Thursday, September 1, 2011

Create an IssueBuilder from a text file

Here is the best method to create an IssueBuilder from a text file.

First, open Visionary, choose your case, create an IssueBuilder and add one text clip from the correct depo.  Export this IssueBuilder using File, Export IssueBuilder.  Save the file as a Formatted Text file.  Open that text file in Notepad.

Next download the Excel spreadsheet from this link:  IBFormattedTextImport.xls  See Note 1 below.

Open this spreadsheet and enter your clips into Column B, starting in Row Five and continuing to the end of your clips or Row 100, whichever comes first.  Your clips MUST be in this format:  page:line - page:line with one clip per row.  (Replace the sample clips in Rows 5-7.)  Save this spreadsheet.

For example:
  • 14:1 - 15:3
  • 8:14 - 12:23

They do not need to be in order.

(If you already have them in a document, text file or spreadsheet; you can simply copy-paste them into this spreadsheet.)

Replace the sample data in Row Three, Columns D and J only, with the appropriate information from the text file.  It is VERY important that you use the information from the exported IB text file.  Entering data that you think is correct, may not enable the linkage from the IB item to the depo.

After you have entered your clips and filled in D3 and H3, the formula in J5 through J100 generates the lines that you need to add to the text file that you have open in Notepad.

Copy the appropriate Rows from Column J and paste them onto the end of the text file you have open in Notepad.  Save this text file and close Notepad.

Use the File, Import, IssueBuilder option.  Choose the file type of formatted text and select the text file you just modified.

You will see the IB in Visionary twice, the second one is the new one.

For more information about Visionary 8 Trial Presentation software, check us out at

chuck beckman

Note1.  (At the time the spreadsheet was uploaded, it was virus scanned with a current anti-virus program.  The files are stored on a secured server, but like EVERYTHING on the internet, you should virus scan this file after downloading.  If you are still leery of the file, check out the ancillary posting that describes how you can create your own spreadsheet.)

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