Monday, January 12, 2015

Demonstration IssueBuilder, Part Three–An Example

How to introduce the cast of characters

So we just learned how to display an image with the IB item Title being included.

Let’s use that to introduce the people involved in the case.

  1. Open your IB and add in the three video still captures of Sam Smith, Jim White and Sally Nealey.
  2. Edit the item’s Titles in the IB to reflect what we want displayed.

Your IB should look something like this:


Now let’s set the individual item properties.  (They will be the same for each.)

  • Change the size in the display representation area.  Centered in the upper two-thirds.
  • Check the box for Show item title.
  • Center the item title box in the lower one-third.
  • Change the Item title font properties, similar to our earlier Headings properties.

(I created a template to keep them looking the same.)

Your Item Properties should look something like this:


I have exported the IB as it exists at this point in the process.  It is available as Demonstration IssueBuilder, Part Three - An Example.  This can be downloaded and imported into your case and will not overwrite your existing IB.

Please post any questions here as comments; remember, if you have a question so does someone else.  I will try to answer them as quickly as possible.


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Friday, January 9, 2015

Demonstration IssueBuilder, Part Four: Side-by-Side Document Pages

How to display two pages in a side-by-side view

This set will require several changes to the default layout properties.

First, let’s get the images added to our IB. 

(I am using page three of the DocID:1 (Employee Handbook) and page one of the DocID:21 (Employment Agreement).  I also annotated both pages by drawing a yellow rectangle around the “Medical Benefits” paragraphs.  (I used the Image/Image view to see both images at the same time, but that is not necessary.)  See bottom of this write-up for my screen.)

  1. Display DocID:1, page three and use the drag-drop icon to add it to the IB.
  2. Then display DocID:21, page one and use the drag-drop icon to add that to the IB.

Your IB should look something like this:


Second, we need to set the IB item Properties for these two items.

  1. Open the properties for the first image and make these changes:
    1. Right-click in the display area and choose “Left 1/2”.
    2. In the Run Next Item area; choose the “Immediately run next item” option.
  2. Open the properties for the second image and make these changes:
    1. In the Previous Item Clear area; choose “Clear none”.
    2. Right-click in the display area and choose “Right 1/2”.
    3. In the Run Next Item area; choose the “Do not run next item” option.

Test this portion of your IssueBuilder

Enable CourtViewer mode. 

Select the first image, then right-click and choose “Run”.

I have exported the IB as it exists at this point in the process.  It is available as Demonstration IssueBuilder, Part Four - Side-by-Side Document Pages.  This can be downloaded and imported into your case and will not overwrite your existing IB.

Please post any questions here as comments; remember, if you have a question so does someone else.  I will try to answer them as quickly as possible.


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Additional Information

Full screen view of my Visionary.


Thursday, January 8, 2015

Demonstration IssueBuilder, Part Three–Single Document Page

How to display a single page of a document

For this item we will use page one of the Employee Handbook, DocID 1.

  1. Display page one of the Employee Handbook in the Image view.
  2. Use the drag-and-drop icon to drag this image to the IssueBuilder.
    1. Optionally, create a Heading to make it easier to find specific portions in your IB.
    2. The Drag-and-Drop icon looks like this:Drag-And-DropIcon
  3. Edit this Item’s Title to indicate it is Page One of the Employee Handbook.
    1. Right-click on the item and choose Edit.
    2. Change the heading description to reflect this is page one, ala “Employee Handbook, Page One”.
    3. Click Ok.
  4. Optionally, in the Item’s Properties page, make the following changes:
    1. In the White area representing the screen layout, drag the right-side handler square 1/3 of the way to the left.  This will leave some space on the right side of the screen.
    2. Check the box to Show item title.
    3. Drag that box to empty area in the upper right portion of the layout window.

I have exported the IB as it exists at this point in the process.  It is available as Demonstration IssueBuilder, Part Three - Single Document Page.  This can be downloaded and imported into your case and will not overwrite your existing IB.

Please post any questions here as comments; remember, if you have a question so does someone else.  I will try to answer them as quickly as possible.


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Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Demonstration IssueBuilder, A Digression into Templates

We just changed the properties for our two Headings – and made them the same.  Isn’t there an easier way to do this?

How to Create an IssueBuilder Template

After getting the settings correct in our IssueBuilder (Item) Properties screen for one of the Headings, we can save these to populate the various settings to ease the simplify and standardize the settings when we create additional IB items.

Click the Save as new template button and give it a descriptive name.  Such as “DemoIB - Headings”.  Click the OK button.

How to use the saved Templates

Remember the Templates simply load your preferences into the IB Properties screen. 


They simply change the default item options to match your request.

In our IB, click on the second Heading and open it’s properties.  Click on the down arrow in the Apply template field and choose your new Template.  Now the properties for both headings match.

How to change an existing Template

Now you’ve decided that you want the Font Size to be 48 in your Headings instead of the 36 that I chose.

You don’t want to add a new Template “DemoIB – Headings – 48 Font Instead of 36”.

Open the item that used that Template.  Choose the specific Template from the drop down list.  (Ensure you have chosen the correct Template and that the values in the Properties window are correct.)  Make your changes to the Item Properties.

Click the “Save as new template” button and type in exactly what is currently displayed in the Apply Template drop down field.

You will receive a warning about the existing template and do you want to replace it.  Chose appropriately.


You will need to apply this updated Template to any Items in your IB that you wish to modify.

Additional Information

I want to delete one (or in my case, twelve).  So where are these template files saved? 

To do this, you will need to use the File System (Windows Explorer, My Computer or other method).

First, close your case.

Second, browse to <DriveLetter>:\v_data\CaseID\ISSUE\IBTemplates.  Delete any that you no longer wish to be in the drop down list.

Since these are located in the CaseID directory, this obviously means two things.

  1. Templates do not extend across Visionary cases.
  2. You can copy-and-paste them from one case to another.

As always,

Please post any questions here as comments; remember, if you have a question so does someone else.  I will try to answer them as quickly as possible.


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Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Demonstration IssueBuilder, Part Two–Headings

In Part One, we created our IB and added two Headings without explaining what Headings were and how we were using them in this situation.

What are Headings?

They are entries in an IB that provide additional information to the viewer of the IB.

They can be displayable or not, depending on the item settings.

They can be used to separate parts of your IB.

  • Before the Surgery, During the Surgery and After the Surgery
  • What happened in 1990, 1991, 1992, etc..
  • Steve’s view of the Event, Mary's view of the Event, etc.

Or, as in our IB, a way to provide the audience with references.

Set the Headings Properties

Since we want these two Headings to be displayed, we need to edit the default properties.

Select the first Heading (Sally Nealey Presentation in my IB) and open it’s properties.

  • Select it and right click, choose Properties
  • Or
  • Select it and press F4

There are a few things we need to change to make this appear as I wish.

  1. To the left of the big white area is a check box item “Show item

    1. Check that box.

    2. This causes whatever is the Item title (in my case “Sally Nealey
      Presentation” to be displayed on the court
  2. In the big white area, I want the Heading text to appear about 1/3 down the screen.
    1. Click in the white area and little handler squares will be displayed on the corners and the middle of the top, bottom and both sides.
    2. Put the cursor on the top, middle handler square and it will be displayed as an up/down two headed arrow.
    3. Click on the handler, hold and drag the two headed arrow down about 1/3 of the way.  Release the cursor.
    4. Now the Heading text will appear on the far left, about 1/3 down the screen.
  3. Now we need to change the text properties to make it visible and centered.
    1. Click the Item Title Font button.
      1. In the Font size: drop down list, change this to 36.
      2. In the Alignment: drop down list, change this to Center.
      3. Click the Ok button.

Here are what my properties look like


(At this point, feel free to play with your settings to find something that looks good to you.1)

Make the same changes to the second Heading in our IB.

Close your IssueBuilder.

Additional Information

1 Why did we choose these specific Font Properties?

  • Font size 36 is large enough to be visible on the screen.
  • The best all around font color is the default yellow.  Many DLP projectors do not render various other colors as they appear on monitors.  This yellow is the most stable.

I have exported this IB as it exists at this point in the process.  It is available as Demonstration IssueBuilder, Part Two – Headings.  This can be downloaded and imported into your case and will not overwrite your existing IB.

As always,

Please post any questions here as comments; remember, if you have a question so does someone else.  I will try to answer them as quickly as possible.


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Monday, January 5, 2015

Demonstration IssueBuilder, Part One–The Wrapper

Create and Name the IssueBuilder

  1. In the IssueBuilders area; choose “Create new IssueBuilder”.
  2. Give it a useful name.
    1. I’m naming this one “Demonstration IssueBuilder”
  3. Click the Ok button to create this IssueBuilder and open it for editing.

Add the “wrapper” entries

(Our best practices are to start and end each IB with some “heading” items to provide context and additional information about the actual IssueBuilder.  We will add others as we need them.)

  1. Click the Add Heading entry.
  2. Add text that would be displayed before the IB is played.
    1. I am adding “Sally Nealey Presentation”
  3. Add text that would be displayed to indicate the IB has finished playing.
    1. I am adding “End of Presentation”.

Please post any questions here as comments; remember, if you have a question so does someone else.  I will try to answer them as quickly as possible.


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