Monday, January 5, 2015

Demonstration IssueBuilder, Part One–The Wrapper

Create and Name the IssueBuilder

  1. In the IssueBuilders area; choose “Create new IssueBuilder”.
  2. Give it a useful name.
    1. I’m naming this one “Demonstration IssueBuilder”
  3. Click the Ok button to create this IssueBuilder and open it for editing.

Add the “wrapper” entries

(Our best practices are to start and end each IB with some “heading” items to provide context and additional information about the actual IssueBuilder.  We will add others as we need them.)

  1. Click the Add Heading entry.
  2. Add text that would be displayed before the IB is played.
    1. I am adding “Sally Nealey Presentation”
  3. Add text that would be displayed to indicate the IB has finished playing.
    1. I am adding “End of Presentation”.

Please post any questions here as comments; remember, if you have a question so does someone else.  I will try to answer them as quickly as possible.


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